Photo by Svetlana_nsk/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by Svetlana_nsk/iStock / Getty Images


Perhaps one of the most humble guys you will ever meet. He loves to make customers laugh; but don't expect a lengthy chat, he is a quiet and diligent worker. For him, it's all about the details.

He comes all the way from Colombia, but spent a lot of time living in Costa Rica. As they say, it's not hard getting used to Costa Rica's lifestyle, "Pura Vida," which means "Pure Life." In other words, live the life you love, love the life you live. 




Perhaps one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. He is not only a counter top specialist, but also a back splash specialist. His background is in tile, stone, porcelain and counter tops. You can literally say that he has been working with stone for his entire adult life.

When he's not working, he is likely enjoying a nice steak, playing soccer or watching soccer; he is Argentinian after all. From personal experience, his "asados," or barbecues, are to die for. 




Jordan is the Venezuelan sensation. His focus and willingness to help is second to none. He enjoys putting on the finishing touches, making sure that everything is caulked, sealed and properly taken care of.

Jordan also makes sure that the team has all the tools and supplies they need to do a fabulous job. He is also responsible for making sure the crew is nice and neat. His favorite past times are dancing and taking long walks on the beach!